Emacs 快捷键

Table of Contents


  • C-x 0 关闭当前窗口
  • C-x 1 关闭其他窗口
  • C-x 2 上下分屏
  • C-x 3 左右分屏
  • C-x o 移动到 other 窗口
  • C-x 4 0 关闭当前的窗口和缓冲
  • C-x 4 b 在另一个窗口打开文件


  • C-f C-b C-n C-p
  • M-f 向前一个单词
  • M-b 向后一个单词
  • M-< 文件开头
  • M-> 文件结尾


C-<tab>: undefined(spacemacs/alternate-buffer)
C-q: quoted-insert     C-w: kill-region     C-e: move-end-of-line  C-r: isearch-backward  C-t: transpose-chars  C-y: yank  C-u: universal-argument    C-i: indent-for-tab-command[tab]  C-o: open-line  C-p: previous-line  C-[: [ESC]
   C-a: move-beginning-of-line  C-s: isearch-forward  C-d: delete-char    C-f: forward-char    C-g: keyboard-quit  C-h: [prefix]help  C-j: electric-newline-and-maybe-indent  C-k: kill-line  C-l: recenter-top-bottom
      C-z: suspend-frame             C-x: [prefix]         C-c: [prefix]      C-v: scroll-up-command  C-b: backward-char  C-n: next-lien          C-m: newline                     C-,: undefined  C-.: undefined  C-/: undo
                                                                                                                                     C-SPE: set-mark-command

M-?: C-[ ? (M-? 更好按)
M-q: fill-paragraph  M-w: kill-ring-save  M-e: forward-sentence  M-r: move-to-window-line-top-bottom(much like C-l)  M-t: (transpose-words)  M-y: yank-pop  M-u: upcase-word  M-i: tab-to-tab-stop           M-o: undefined  M-p: undefined  M-[: undefined
   M-a: backward-sentence  M-s: symbols[prefix]  M-d: kill-word     M-f: forward-word                                   M-g: goto[prefix]       M-h: mark-paragraph  M-j: default-indent-new-line  M-k: kill-sentence  M-l: downcase-word  M-;: comment-dwim/eval-expression
      M-z: zap-to-char        M-x: execute-extended-command  M-c: capitalize-word  M-v: scroll-down-command                M-b: backward-word      M-n: undefined       M-m: back-to-indentation      M-,: xref-pop-marker-stack  M-.: xref-find-dfinitions  M-?//: xref-find-references/dabbrev-expand
                                                                                                                                                                                                      M-<: beginning-of-buffer    M->: end-fo-buffer

C-M-?: C-[ C-?
C-M-q: undefined  C-M-w: append-next-kill  C-M-e: end-of-defun  C-M-r: isearch-backward-regexp  C-M-t: transpose-sexps  C-M-y: undefined  C-M-u: backward-up-list  C-M-i: complete-symbol  C-M-o: split-line  C-M-p: backward-list
     C-M-a: beginning-of-defun  C-M-s: isearch-forward-regexp  C-M-d: down-list  C-M-f: forward-sexp  C-M-g: undefined       C-M-h: mark-defun  C-M-j: default-indent-new-line  C-M-k: kill-sexp  C-M-l: reposition-window  C-M-;/:: undefined/undefined  C-M-'/": undefined/undefined
          C-M-z: undefined  C-M-x: undefined  C-M-c: exit-recursive-edit  C-M-v: scroll-other-window       C-M-b: backward-sexp   C-M-n: forward-list  C-M-m: M-RET undefined        C-M-,/<: undefined/undefined  C-M-./>: xref-find-apropos/undefined  C-M-/: dabbrev-completion
✗ find the definition of the identifier at point
✗ pop back marker-stack
✗ find all meaningful symbols tha match PATTERN
C-<tab>: spacemacs/alternate-buffer
C-q: quoted-insert     C-w: kill-region   C-e: mwim-end-of-line-or-code  C-r: isearch-backward  C-t: transpose-chars  C-y: yank  C-u: universal-argument   C-i: indent-for-tab-command[tab]  C-o: open-newline-above  C-p: previous-line  C-[: [ESC]  C-\: window-operation
   C-a: mwim-beginning-of-line-or-code  C-s: consult-line  C-d: delete-char    C-f: forward-char    C-g: keyboard-quit  C-h: [prefix]help  C-j: electric-newline-and-maybe-indent  C-k: kill-line  C-l: open-newline-below
      C-z: undefined                       C-x: [prefix]         C-c: [prefix]      C-v: scroll-up-command  C-b: backward-char  C-n: next-lien          C-m: newline                     C-,: goto-last-change  C-.: undefined  C-/: undo  C-?: vundo
                                                                                                                                     C-SPE: set-mark-command

M-?: C-[ ? (M-? 更好按)
M-q: fill-paragraph  M-w: kill-ring-save  M-e: er/expand-region  M-r: move-to-window-line-top-bottom(much like C-l)  M-t: (transpose-words)  M-y: consult-yank-pop  M-u: upcase-word  M-i: tab-to-tab-stop           M-o: undefined  M-p: vanillay/move-cursor-8-lines-up  M-[: undefined
   M-a: backward-sentence  M-s: symbol-overlay-put  M-d: delete-block-forward     M-f: forward-word                     M-g: goto-line-preview  M-h: mark-paragraph    M-j: default-indent-new-line  M-k: kill-sentence  M-l: downcase-word  M-;: comment-dwim/execute-extended-command
      M-z: [prefix]cursor     M-x: execute-extended-command  M-c: capitalize-word  M-v: scroll-down-command                M-b: backward-word      M-n: vanillay/move-cursor-8-lines-down   M-m: back-to-indentation      M-,: lsp-bridge-jump  M-.: lsp-bridge-jumpback  M-?//: lsp-bridge-find-ref/dabbrev-expand
                                                                                                                                                                                                      M-<: beginning-of-buffer    M->: end-fo-buffer

C-M-?: C-[ C-?
C-M-q: undefined  C-M-w: append-next-kill  C-M-e: end-of-defun  C-M-r: isearch-backward-regexp  C-M-t: transpose-sexps  C-M-y: undefined  C-M-u: backward-up-list  C-M-i: complete-symbol  C-M-o: split-line  C-M-p: backward-list
     C-M-a: beginning-of-defun  C-M-s: isearch-forward-regexp  C-M-d: down-list  C-M-f: forward-sexp  C-M-g: undefined       C-M-h: mark-defun  C-M-j: default-indent-new-line  C-M-k: kill-sexp  C-M-l: reposition-window  C-M-;/:: undefined/undefined  C-M-'/": undefined/undefined
          C-M-z: undefined  C-M-x: undefined  C-M-c: exit-recursive-edit  C-M-v: scroll-other-window       C-M-b: backward-sexp   C-M-n: forward-list  C-M-m: M-RET undefined        C-M-,/<: undefined/undefined  C-M-./>: xref-find-apropos/undefined  C-M-/: dabbrev-completion

常用的 C-x – (C-x 很难按,所以这里的功能很多不常用,部分常用的记录在这里)

  • C-x C-c 退出
  • C-x C-s 保存
  • C-x C-e eval-last-sexp
  • C-x ( 宏开始
  • C-x ) 宏结束
  • C-x + balance window
  • C-x h mark whole buffer
  • C-x k kill buffer
  • C-x C-w write file
  • C-x C-u upcase region
  • C-c C-x C-l 预览LaTeX
  • 有关帮助的快捷键
    • C-h t 打开新手帮助文档
    • C-h k (find-function-on-key)查询按键
    • C-h v (find-variable)查询变量
    • C-h f (find-function)查询函数
    • C-h m to open Major mode and minor mode
    • C-g 撤销刚才的操作
  • 复制粘贴
    • C-@ 选中文本
    • C-SPC 选中文本
    • M-w 复制选中文本
    • C-y 粘贴
  • 有关文件的快捷键
    • C-x C-f 打开文件
    • C-x C-s 保存文件
    • C-c C-l 在 org-mode 下创建链接
  • dired
    • + 创建一个文件夹
    • C-x C-f 创建文件
    • g 刷新
    • R 重命名
    • C 复制
  • 移动
    • M-r 中上下
    • M-g M-g 行号 RET,跳到特定行

## 其他原生快捷键(ctrl)


  • ctrl h v 查看变量
  • ctrl h k 查看按键绑定
  • ctrl h m 查看major-mode
  • ctrl h f 查看函数
  • ctrl h w 查看函数绑定按键
  • ctrl h e 查看message buffer
  • ctrl h o 查看标志
  • ctrl h d 查看文档
  • ctrl h c 简短介绍按键功能
  • ctrl h b 查看键绑定
  • ctrl h i 教程


  • ctrl a 前往行首
  • ctrl b 上翻一页
  • ctrl c +prefix
  • ctrl d 下翻半页
  • ctrl e 上移一行
  • ctrl f 下翻一页
  • ctrl g keyboard-quit
  • ctrl h 帮助
  • ctrl i evil-jump-forward
  • ctrl j electric-newline-and-maybe-indent
  • ctrl k 删除光标到行尾
  • ctrl l recenter-top-bottom
  • ctrl m 回车,部分 mode 有其他作用
  • ctrl n evil-paste-pop-next
  • ctrl o evil-jump-backward
  • ctrl p evil-paste-pop
  • ctrl q quoted-insert
  • ctrl r redo
  • ctrl s isearch
  • ctrl t pop-tag-mark
  • ctrl u 上翻半页
  • ctrl v 可视块
  • ctrl w +windows
  • ctrl x +prefix
  • ctrl y evil-scroll-line-up
  • ctrl z evil-exit-emacs-state


  • ctrl a 前往行首
  • ctrl b 后退一个字符
  • ctrl c +prefix
  • ctrl d 删除前面一个字符
  • ctrl e 前往行尾
  • ctrl f 前进一个字符
  • ctrl g keyboark-quit
  • ctrl h 帮助
  • ctrl i TAB
  • ctrl j electric-newline-and-maybe-indent
  • ctrl k 删除光标到行尾
  • ctrl l recenter-top-bottom
  • ctrl m RET
  • ctrl n 下一行
  • ctrl o 下面创建新行
  • ctrl p 上一行
  • ctrl q quoted-insert
  • ctrl r isearch-backward
  • ctrl s isearch
  • ctrl t 交换当前字符与前一个字符
  • ctrl u 重复插入
  • ctrl v scroll-up-command
  • ctrl w 删除前一个单词
  • ctrl x +prefix
  • ctrl y 粘贴
  • ctrl z evil-exit-emacs-state