Table of Contents
@startmindmap * Debian ** Ubuntu *** Linux Mint *** Kubuntu *** Lubuntu *** KDE Neon ** LMDE ** SolydXK ** SteamOS ** Raspbian with a very long name *** <s>Raspmbc</s> => OSMC *** <s>Raspyfi</s> => Volumio @endmindmap
@startmindmap + OS ++ Ubuntu +++ Linux Mint +++ Kubuntu +++ Lubuntu +++ KDE Neon ++ LMDE ++ SolydXK ++ SteamOS ++ Raspbian -- Windows 95 -- Windows 98 -- Windows NT --- Windows 8 --- Windows 10 @endmindmap
@startmindmap * count ** 100 *** 101 *** 102 ** 200 left side ** A *** AA *** AB ** B @endmindmap
@startmindmap * Class Templates **:Example 1 <code> template <typename T> class cname{ void f1()<U+003B> ... } </code> ; **:Example 2 <code> other template <typename T> class cname{ ... </code> ; @endmindmap
@startmindmap + root **:right_1.1 right_1.2; ++ right_2 left side -- left_1 -- left_2 **:left_3.1 left_3.2; @endmindmap
多个 MindMap
@startmindmap * Root 1 ** Foo ** Bar * Root 2 ** Lorem ** Ipsum @endmindmap
with inline color
@startmindmap *[#Orange] Colors **[#lightgreen] Green **[#FFBBCC] Rose **[#lightblue] Blue @endmindmap
with style color
@startmindmap <style> mindmapDiagram { .green { BackgroundColor lightgreen } .rose { BackgroundColor #FFBBCC } .your_style_name { BackgroundColor lightblue } } </style> * Colors ** Green <<green>> ** Rose <<rose>> ** Blue <<your_style_name>> @endmindmap
@startmindmap * root node ** some first level node ***_ second level node ***_ another second level node ***_ foo ***_ bar ***_ foobar ** another first level node @endmindmap
- scale 1.5
- scale 2/3
- scale 200 width
- scale 200 height
- scale 200*100
- scale max 300*200
- scale max 1024 width
- scale max 800 height
scale 180*90
Bob->Alice : hello